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Experience the life-changing impact of health and wellness clients working with Emily and see the results of  DNA-based nutrition and fitness coaching through the words and transformation photos of these satisfied participants! Discover their remarkable stories, empowered by personalized guidance, accountability and science-backed strategies. Join our community and unlock your own potential!

Meet Jessica Haberkorn


"What you put in your body and how you work out matters!! DNA and Emily have changed my life. These photos, how I’m feeling, improved gut health after years of GI issues speak volumes to what IDLife and DNA does for you! Fuel your body and workout according to your DNA and you’ll change your life! It changed mine!"


In March of 2023, I completed 101 workouts with my girl and friend, Emily!  Personalized nutrition, vitamins, and workouts made such a difference because no one is the same or has the same fitness needs! Girls can lift heavy weights! I’ve been working out consistently for almost 4 years now, but felt I needed a change in what I was doing. I met Emily a year ago and made some changes to my nutrition and started personalized vitamins, 6 months ago I jumped all in and started workouts with her too! Workouts, nutrition, vitamins made for me and my needs- GAME CHANGER!!! Here’s to working on me and being the happiest, healthiest, best version of myself! Oh and lifting heavy weights too!"


Meet Amanda Hammond

What was the biggest issue that Emily helped you solve?


True love for my body/mind and what makes me special and unique. I've literally struggled my entire life trying to find a love for myself and I was able to do that because of you, what you remind me about, and everything and everyone you've connected me to. I finally treat myself with love and respect and I couldn't imagine life another way.


What made you say yes? What caught your eye?


I've struggled my entire life to lose weight and feel healthy. I no longer wanted to just get through my life. I no longer joking wished a terrible accident would just end all my suffering. Life sucked before. I was in pain constantly. I was tired all the time. I was a walking ball of stress. Hot mess express. Everything just felt too overwhelming.

You brought me answers. You brought me solutions. Solutions that worked for me because it was individually designed for me. You brought me a community and family that has changed my life! You've helped me feel love for myself. You helped me remind my passion.

I could not even make up how you've made such a significant impact in my life Emily. I so grateful for you and our friendship. I am alive today because of you. Truly alive! Alive and full of life!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


Meet Tiffany Krueger

"I was at an emotional low when I started with Emily in May of 2021. She encouraged me and helped me to learn how to be healthy. Usually in the winter I go into a state of depression. Not this year! The vitamins and eating clean foods have made a huge difference for me! I took some Christmas money and invested in the DNA and I am mind blown by what I am learning about myself. I’ve also maintained my twenty-pound weight loss all winter. My totals are twenty-eight inches lost, one shirt size down, and two pant sizes down! This journey has been amazing!!"

Meet Rebekah Burroughs

She is an entrepreneur and always takes care of others. She was ready to take care of HER! She said yes not only to a simple cheek swab to get answers for her health first🧬, but also to a six-week path to business growth with us. ​


After our six-week course, she shared her testimony; "I gained more time freedom, grew my confidence in front of the camera, figured out my own way of doing things, took one step at a time, got out of my own way, and became a more effective leader!" 🥳 


Meet Jean Blaney-McGinnis

“Exercise alone will not make substantial health change…proper nutrition is a must…


With the Detox I realized all of the non-healthy toxins going into my body…


Detox for 30 days has helped me to form new, healthy habits. The challenge held me accountable for getting my workouts and walking in… 

I’ve given up diet soda and now drink over a gallon of water a day... 

And I have maintained a clean diet! 


I've definitely made positive changes and have reflected on my emotional assessment. It's a reminder of ‘why’ it's important to take care of myself...


My detox…deliberate, dedicated, and dominated! 

30 days ago I was nervous and wondering what did I sign up for! Today, 30 days later, I realize it was the best choice I’ve ever made to take care of me. Goals…cut out soda, intentional sugar, clean diet, and exercise designed for my health goals!

Energy without soda!

Avid water drinker! 

Long, strong Fingernails!

No sugar cravings!

Down 5 lbs, 1.5 inches in waist and 2.25 inches chest! 

Continue to work on adding muscle!  


Thanks Emily! Looking forward to continuing the journey!"


Meet Taylor Brown

"If I’m being 100% real with you, I don’t have a “before” picture because I’ve taken hundreds of before pictures that I’ve given up on.


In the 12 weeks that I completed my program I have successfully lost 15.4 pounds and almost 8% body fat. Let me start by saying that I didn’t starve myself to get here. If anyone knows anything about me it’s that I LOVE to eat. I tracked my calories daily and made sure to take in at minimum 1800/day. I didn’t restrict myself from anything or do anything crazy. I WORKED FOR THIS.


I used to think that lifting lighter with more reps would help me get the results I was looking for. That was a painful sentence to even write. LADIES, LIFT HEAVY! Curls are for the girls am I right?!?! Lifting heavy has allowed me to gain the muscle I’ve been searching for and I’m really starting to see myself lean out. I’ve truly never felt better physically.


This experience originally started as a fitness goal for me but it has positively changed so many aspects of my life. I mentally am in a much calmer place and have significantly seen a difference in my anxiety. I catch myself smiling often which in turn helps me smile more. I’m sleeping SO MUCH BETTER. I can’t remember the last time I felt an afternoon slump which has allowed me to be so much more productive at work and in my life in general.

I am proud of myself, and it’s been way too long since it told myself that.


Emily Schwartz - The DNA test you encouraged me to take was just what I needed to understand what works for me. I can’t express how happy I am that my body hates cardio just as much as my brain does . I also never in a million years thought I could get results like this by working out 4 days a week. The personalized data this test gave me about MY BODY has completely allowed me to be the best version of me.


Maybe one day I’ll be able to use this a my “before” picture. For now, I’m going to soak this in and appreciate what this experience made possible for me."



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